Monday, February 6, 2012


Kristen’s Interview:

I interviewed my dad, Bryan Andrada. He is 52 years old and works in the business field.

Is this a problem you think is important? Why or why not?
- Yes, I think it’s important to know what you are putting in your body because it could have pesticides in it and they don’t have to disclose anything about it.

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why or why not?
- Yes, because of those same reasons.

Do you think news needs to be spread more about this issue or do you think most people understand the issue?
- No, I think if the population was notified more about it people would speak up and take action.

What are advantages of this policy?
- The advantage is for the companies creating these foods. The lack of a policy allows them to hide from the public what is actually in the products.

What are disadvantages of this policy?
- They can put anything they want in the product and don’t have to tell anyone about it.
How might the policy be improved?
- By requiring them to accurately display what was used to create this product… what pesticides were used, chemicals etc.

Do you think a particular age group is affected more than others regarding this issue?
- Probably young children because they don’t have a choice on what foods they eat. Their parents choose for them.

Personally, if you had the choice would you buy organic or genetically modified foods?
- Organic, if they aren’t too expensive.

            I learned a lot from this interview with my dad. I think people do know a lot more now about where their food comes from than they used to but they still need to know more. I liked my dad’s point that if this issue is broadcasted more than it is now more people will get involved and take action. I think another important aspect is that children are affected by this, a great deal, and they have no choice over it. The sad part is it may affect those children later in life with health issues. I have always thought about the connection between allergies and the foods we feed our children. It seems that an incredible amount of children have allergies and many of them are fatal allergies. I think it may have something to do with the genetically modified foods that are being fed to them day in and day out. This interview brought up a lot of great points. Overall, I think more discussion of this topic needs to be spread so that more people are aware of its importance. We need to take action and be informed so we can make the right decision for our family.

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