Thursday, January 26, 2012

Introduction to Organic Food vs. GMO's and Large Scale Food Production

The federal policy which states there are "no new laws needed to regulate the products of biotechnology was first adopted in 1986 by the federal regulatory agencies in the Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology. The policy was based on the assumption that the process of biotechnology itself posed no unique or special risks." 

This website includes an extensive list of detailed laws and codes which regard the health, safety, and environmental impacts of genetically modified foods and agricultural biotechnology products. The Judicial and Legislative governments control the federal agencies which govern all regulation regarding biotechnology products which include food, drugs, and chemicals. Under these laws, three federal agencies have primary responsibility for the regulation of these products. 
These agencies are:
The Food and Drug Administration
The Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency

The Social Issues Research Center website-Another interesting website regarding Genetically Modified Foods

Kaitlyn's thoughts:
   I believe that as future teachers, we must model, teach, and encourage our students and children of today’s society about the realities surrounding genetically modified foods. There are currently very little laws surrounding the manufacturing, processing, and selling of genetically modified foods. The food production industry is overrun with corporations who are only looking to make money. Considering food and water are the most important source of energy and life as we know it on earth, it seems that we should be invested and knowledgeable about what we put in our bodies and how we can sustain the earths growing population. This is important to teach kids in order to advocate or demand change in the future. By learning from current events and other nations policies regarding this topic, perhaps we (in the United States) can start moving in a better direction. I hope to learn more about food regulation, production, and effects/implications of genetically modified foods versus local and organic foods. By reading current events and what is going on not only in our communities but the entire world-will help us better understand the issues-and how to tackle these issues.

Kristen's thoughts:
  I think that organic food is definitely moving the food industry in the right direction. We do not know what the chemicals and pesticides have been doing to our bodies the past few decades. I think we need to research what damage has been done and how to change that in the future. Organic food seems like the logical move. Eating food the natural way, instead of dumping chemicals over it, to make it last longer, and then shipping it across the country for a week. I would much rather eat fresh foods grown right here in my home town. But that's just me! I think that we will see many health benefits from this popular change. Who knows what kinds of diseases and health ailments have been caused by the food industry over the years. I would like to research more about the regulations in the food industry and see where that is heading. I hope to learn much more about food regulations, pro's and con's of organic foods and where the world is headed in the future!

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